Sunday, 12 October 2014

Please Help Me Blogger Friends!

Good afternoon Sunday resters! How are you all doing? You may have seen me moaning over several social media platforms about my illness. Basically  I started feeling sick on Thursday afternoon, came home and slept, woke up with a terrible stomach pain. When I woke up on Friday morning I could barely walk, it was so crippling. I went to the doctor with my mum (and Bimble) where after a very uncomfortable situation involving a small pot of my urine and the doctor uttering the 'P' word...she did a test. Whilst I sat there freaking out, thinking that it would actually be the worst possible way to find out if I was 'P'...She measured my heart rate. "It's rather high."....."Yeah I'm not surprised when your standing there with a stick in my pee telling me you're checking for 'P'."...Anyway, it turns out that I have a severe kidney infection or possibly kidney stones and have been hobbling around since in an extraordinary amount of pain. *insert sympathy here please people*.

Which means that I'm a little behind on my interview preparations; and am now spending my day hobbling around and getting ready! 

If you want to make me feel muchos better, there is something that you all can do. Please complete my survey which will help me towards my interview preparation and generally make me very happy. If you could share it that'd be even more amazing.

Tell me what you're up to this Sunday and cheer me up (saying that, Space Jam just came on so I'm pretty fucking happy right now!)

Love Sophie Xx


  1. Sorry to hear you are unwell, hope you feel better soon!

  2. I've done your survey :)

  3. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon - it sounds very painful and {rather} unpleasant :( Hang in there, drink your cranberry juice (isn't that supposed to help?) and hopefully it will go away soon!
    ~ Samantha

    1. It was crazy painful! Feeling much better now though! Thanks pretty lady, how are you?! I drank LOADS of water! xx

  4. Aww I hope you feel better soon - kidney stones are a pain. My husband gets them every couple of years so bad he ends up in ER. Drink lots of water!

    1. Thanks sweetie! I feel super sorry for him, eeekk! I couldn't cope going through that so frequently! Xx

  5. Interview for? (I've missed something!)

    Please get better soon, Sophie! Sending all my love your way. I have had a few issues with my kidneys (thanks lupus) and I know how painful it can be! Wish I lived nearby to bring you chocolate and disney movies and keep you company while you're unwell! xx

    1. Eugh Sunae, I've missed you so much! How are you lovely? I wish we lived close, maybe we can do some exchange programme? Hahah! i am literally just putting on Pocahontas! Xx

  6. Oh no! Get plenty of rest and I hope you feel better soon. Hope your interview (or interview preparation) is going well too, I made sure to complete your survey when you tweeted about it last week - hope it all goes well! :-) xx

    1. Thanks so much lovely lady, it went pretty well I think, I don't find out until December though so I'm trying not to think about it too much! Haha! How are you doing? Xx


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