Friday, 9 January 2015

Batman Diaries #5 Batman Turns Two.

Every photo of Batman seems to have food in it. I'm pretty sure that's the only way I can get him to stay still long enough. How do all those internet genius's get their rabbits to wear little outfits etc? Batman's far too streetwise for that! He knows when I'm within 5 metres!! He has had a lovely Christmas and enjoyed his birthday (two years old December 19th!) On the 15th it'll be two years that we came into each others lives and I'm excited! I'm going to get him a few bits from his buddies over at Barks and Bunnies who are also having a fabulous sale at the moment! With a great level of service and original, fun toys  (It's where I got his Bat-castle from!) and goodies for Batman he'll be a lifelong customer. You should all take a look on their website and if you sign up by clicking here, you'll get 10% off your first purchase over £20!

Do you guys get bit creepy when it comes to your pet's birthdays? Or are you even as sad as me and celebrate your anniversary with your pet? Let me know so I don't feel so weird!

Love Sophie and Batman Xx


  1. Not creepy at all! Happy birthday, Batman!! :)
    ~ Samantha

    1. I knew you'd agree ;-) and he thanks you pretty lady Xx

  2. I used to celebrate monthdays with the ratties because they only live for a short time. I used to bake them little healthy snacks and treats. With the degus I celebrate years because they can live up to 7, so they get some special snacks and apple branches to gnaw on. There's no way I would even attempt dressing them up though! Although I do have some good photographs of the ratties exploring mini Xmas trees and such.
    Happy birthday Batman!
    xo Amy | I Am Adorkable

    1. Ahhh that's so cute, as are ratties! One of mine lived for a few years but the other died pretty young :-(. Thank you sweetheart! Xx

  3. Yey!! Happy Belated Birthday big guy! Woo whoo for you liking B&B's too :D I remember when Bunny won a competition with them and was the most excited Id ever seen when he got his prize.

    You know that I'm all about birthday parties for pets - I make doggy cake for Bakers bdays too :)


    1. B&B are just awesome! I think we are animal mad ladies together and that's why we're perfect Xxx

  4. Aww happy birthday Batman! Hope he's had a lovely day filled with nibblely bits :-)

    1. He did! And he's going to be even more spoilt on my birthday because that's our anniversary! How exciting! Xx

  5. Aww such a cute bunny!! The best post to come across on a Monday Morning :)

    Happy Birthday Batman!

    1. So lovely to meet you, yes Batman is the cutest ever but don't let that fool you! Hahah! Good Monday to you pretty lady! Xx


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