Monday, 10 November 2014

Ten Blog Posts To Read On November 10th.

Who's excited that it's Monday? Raise your hands in the air like you just don't care? No? Oh me neither, never mind. Sunday just flies by these days and I think it might have something to do with the etching fear of Christmas lurking closer and closer. This year I'm trying to be more sensible (what with the wedding saving and all that jazz!) and have told my nearest and dearest that they will be receiving home-made treats instead of shop bought gifts, which would be find if I could stop myself from picking up little bits and bobs...

I went a bit awol on and off for the last few weeks but I've been reading lots of your lovely posts. My phone seems to have problems posting comments, so I apologise for not actually talking to any of you most of the time- I'm like a little ghost stalking you all *alright creeper*...Here's a few posts for you to enjoy if you like that kinda thing...Which of course you do! 

1) Oh! Leona posts the best series of Wednesday Loves! Last week I remembered my love for making little beds for your toys our of cardboard! Yes! Mine were always decorated pretty fancy! 

2) With All The Finesse of a Badger is probably one of my favourite bloggers out there. Her illustrations are laugh out loud funny and I secretly wish that we were best friends! I follow her posts religiously! If you haven't read her experience of working at a call centre posts- you must. This week she really made me laugh by sharing some home truths about riding sheep! ;-)

3) Life, Ninja Killer Cat and Everything Else shared a delicious looking recipe inspired by GBBO (which feels like forever ago!) of self saucing chocolate puds! I'll definitely be going back to this multiple times this winter! 

4) How goddamn cute did daydreams of summertime look in her snazzy Boden scarf? It made me feel all cosy I am now envious over her blanket/scarf and sharing a love for TKMaxx bargains! 

5) Cecilia in the rain reminded me that I too am a rubbish adult! Funnily, I had just this conversation the other day! It's ok to pretend Cecilia, I'm with you girl! She also posted a very interesting read on languages and how they effect us. I'm not really fluent in any other languages but I get recognised for my accent difference here in Cornwall all the time! 

6) A Rosie Outlook posted a poem which made me reminisce of all the writing I used to do. I too was the one always penning a poem, verse or short story of some kind. I too have fallen out of the creative routine through life and it really was nice to see something so personal and original as Rosie's writing. Inspiring even. 

7) Little Foal took stock and had a furry friend to join her! What a cutie pie (yes you too Sunae!) She's also a great source for beauty products as an Arbonne consultant; you should check out her Facebook page

8) Life Outside London gave us a few marriage tips- each one better than the last. She's like a wise spaniel haired owl that one. She also shared some photos from October from her Instagram (which obviously you already follow-if not, here!) and there's one photo in particular (bottom left) of Pete with arms that actually made me laugh for a good eight minutes...

9) Dear Ms Leigh shared some delicious foodie snaps from her first few days as an expat in America!  There are some pretty awesome photos of Detroit on there too! 

10) Samsam Cherie shared with the world the junk in her trunk (sorry I could't resist!) It's all about this trunk (and it's no pansy trunk either!) of childhood memories and is exactly the kind of lifestyle post I like to read- the really nosy ones! It's a really personal and lovely post!

Have a great Monday everybody!
Love Sophie Xx


  1. Aww thanks for sharing, Sophie! I think this post is such a great idea - featuring other bloggers is such a great way that we can heighten the sense of community here in blogland :) I was thinking of doing a similar post for the month of October, but then Halloween came and other things took maybe for November??
    Thanks again! I'll be sure to check these out :)
    ~ Samantha

  2. Thank so much for the linking! I love posts like this, it lets you discover so many blogs you maybe wouldnt find otherwise! I for one got a few new ones to add to my list now!

    Have a lovely week! The weekend will be here before we know it! x

  3. Some great blogs here. Will be looking at the new (to me) ones later.x

  4. Nice to see some awesome blogs I recognize there, but I have also found some new reads! Yey!
    I'm not even saving for anything, I just have no friends or much of a family so thankfully haven't got to spend much money this Xmas...haha

    Best wishes, Danielle xo

  5. Aww bless you for mentioning my scarf post - I am still totally obessed with it! Have a wonderful week lovely! xx

  6. Why thank you for the mention and featuring me among some lovely company! I shall now be spending the rest of my evening drooling over my keyboard at that self saucing chocolate pud!

  7. Cracking line up and I found me some new reads.
    I also want to stick my face in a self saucing pud. Stat.
    M x


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