Sunday, 17 November 2013

My First Blog-By Sophie Aged 21.

Ok, so I've been thinking of starting a blog for a while now, for a good few reasons, such as; 
1) I am HILARIOUS! And why shouldn't the world share this? 2) I'm getting a bit concerned by walking into the staff room at work and people talking about "that weird thing Sophie posted on facebook last night". 3) I LOVE knowing what other people have to say! I'm super nosey (which helps) 4) I wanted to have something to do whilst Harps plays X-Box....(Harps is my fiance, he's pretty darn cute!) 5) My best friend Leona has an awesome blog that I'm always reading and I got pretty jealous of it...

I am looking forward to making lots of friends! Here is a beautiful illustration. Please bare with me putting links to people's work! I'll do my best to figure it all out tomorrow!

Night Night! Sophie x


  1. So i'm going to get all Myspace on your ass and say...


    I am very excited for us to be fellow blogging friends, Sharkbait!xx

    1. I feel like an 80s whizzkid. Proud face.
      Thank you for your blog guru advice! :-). We will make good blogging buddies Liona x x

  2. Gaahhh your header is too cute! ^v^ Welcome to the blogosphere xx

  3. Hi Sophie,

    Ok, have to say, I am going to follow you because my first impression was OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT BUNNY. And also because I think your blog looks pretty cool, and you seem down to earth and I like that.

    I love rabbits. I am so extremely envious that you have one as cute as Batman. I had bunnies growing up but I've moved back home from uni now and my parents refuse to get any more, so I'll have to wait til I get a place of my own before I get another one!

    Anyway, I am liking the look of your blog already. I love your style. Stay true to yourself and don't worry about how many followers/readers you get.

    All the best,
    Naomi xo

  4. Damnit. You beat me to it Leona ;-) I jk. Welcome to the blogosphere! I like what you've done to the place already :-) xo Amy

  5. Damnit. You beat me to it Leona ;-) I joke. Welcome to the blogosphere! I like what you've done to the place already :-) xo Amy

  6. Ahhh hello lovely people! Batman is amazing! haha. I am currently trying to put a wooly hat on him but he's not having any of it! Cheek! haha. Thanks for all being so wonderful, I am looking forward to reading all of your lovely posts! Right, lesson for today- set up for the week! xxx Sophie x

    1. awww a hat on a bunny, please post a photo if you manage it :) xo


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