Thursday, 8 May 2014

Thankful Thursday.

So, another Thursday is upon us and the week is drawing to a close..almost..sort of..well it's over half way through. Which means that I getting ever so closer to the sweet, sweet excitement that in just over two weeks, I am on holibols for TWO WEEKS! YES TWO WHOLE WEEKS with Harps! I'm ever so excited, though so far the only plans I have officially made is getting Batman's claws clipped (I'm far too scared to try myself) and polyfillering some holes...Hahaha! There is one very exciting plan, and that's my dear girl Stacie's graduate fashion show! I can't wait to see the collections from everybody (fo sure hers will be the bestest though!). Annnnd it's in Plymouth, which also means seeing my other girl, Liona (though we haven't planned this yet- Liona, this is me making plans with you.)

Now for some thanks.

1) Car Trips with Bimble.- It isn't as often as I'd like that Bimble and I spend time together. Whenever I'm at mum's he tends to be at work, and whereas he has Thursdays off, I'm a Tuesday girl. However, we did take a trip to Kingsley Village (the best place for a great selection of local Cornish goodies) and I took some terrible quality snaps of us in the car. He was pretty tired, but just look at that cutie pie grin! 

2) Childhood Pets.- The cat on the left is my childhood pet, Polo. He's been my best friend for a good number of years now, he knows all my secrets and he's shared all my heartbreak. I used to have him trained that at night when I said "bedtime Polo." he'd run upstairs and sit on my bed. Sadly he couldn't come with me when I moved into the big, bad world because my landlord hates cats (crazy man!), so he's spending his last days with his best friend Oli. He's the persian cat you can sort of see on the right. He was adopted from a cat protection home after Polo's best friend, Puff, died. At first they really didn't get along, but now they're old and can't be bothered to fight anymore.

3) The Satisfaction of Finishing One Book and Starting Another.- I've finally finished Angela's Ashes. Pheewww. I've been reading that forever! I'll post all about it soon. I'm starting on the sequel! 

4) Hearing Funny Responses to my New Favourite Question.- "If hypothetically, you were to attempt to throw an animal over a rugby post, what is the heaviest animal that you think you could throw?"...Answers in all forms would be appreciated.

As always, on Thursday you can't forget to be thankful to the people that inspired you to give the thanks. Thumbs up to you Liona and Lisette
Love Sophie Xx

1 comment:

  1. Kingsley Village is the place of dreams, you're living quite the life Sophster.
    I know I already answered the animal/rugby posts question, can't remember what I said but today I am strong like animal, I'd manage a baby llama if I took my heels off.
    M x Life Outside London


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