Friday 17 April 2015

Simple Things...

Fresh flowers
Pretty fruit displays
Hazy sunshine hours
Walks in the woods
Smiling spaniels
Crisp yet sunny mornings
Reading at lunchtime by the sea
Surprises from friends
Feeling positive
Morning song
Sunflowers growing
Soul cleansing

Love Sophie Xx


  1. These are lovely photos! I agree, reading at lunchtime is always nice :)

    Carolyn x
    Carolyn’s Simple Life

  2. Oh you adorable little sausage you. Love this list of happy little lovelies. Especially sitting by the sea and reading, we forget just how lucky we are sometimes in our most bodacious part of the world. Well I do, I'm an ungrateful cow bag.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    M x

    1. I AM LIKE AN ADORABLE CUMBERLAND! i know :-). We live in by far the best part of the country but I'm a little scared to say it too loud incase they all come and steal our land! XX


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