Thursday, 23 January 2014


EEEEEKKK! Hello lovely people in the land of technology! I have been nosing around for weeks now at two very wonderful bloggers regular posts, that are just such a pretty idea! So yes, I am joining Thankful Thursday! 
 This cat with his snazzy tache! Isn't he a cutie! I'd love to have a cat, they are just the most special animal on the planet! Look how intelligent he looks! Hahahahahahaha! I want to make him a top hat that his ears stick through! 
 My snazzy new pea green coat! To go with my fancy T-bar shoes! I looked like such a business woman on my course earlier this week! I like the colour of the floor too! I got it for my birthday from a certain Harps, It's from ASOS! 
 My new bikini! I really need to get fit, loose weight, tone up, and strengthen up! So I am going swimming! I love swimming but I don't really like our local swimming pool. That and it being so cold is what puts me off, but I'm certainly making more of an effort now! Besides, my old bikini was waaaayyyy too small. #notagoodlook.
 I had the most wonderful time on Saturday night! I went to The Lakeside for a meal with some friends and work collegues. It was nice to wear my new birthday dress again and to celebrate the promotion of my good friend! Here I am gazing lovingly into her eyes. I really miss her. Have you ever found that someone you wouldn't expect has a massive impact on your life? 
I'm realllllly thankful that my fringe cutting didn't go to shit! I have been toying with the idea for a few months. I'm growing my hair so it's all really boring at the moment and I wanted to change it a bit without taking off too much length. So I went for it! What do you all think?!?! Excuse the gurning.

Last but not least, I am very thankful to the two bloggers mentioned above for the inspiration.
Thankyou Leona and Lisette!

Love Sophie XX

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