Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Sophie and Batman Have 50 Followers! And We Took Some Selfies!

 Good evening little world of loveliness! I hope that you're all warm and safe in this scary, blizzardy weather! I wanted to post a little thank you to the 50 people that have started following my blog! It's really, actually very wonderful, especially as deep down I really didn't think ANYONE (except Liona of course) would read this. Haha. And to celebrate this happy spirit! Here is probably the only reason that you're all reading...The main man of the hour....Today I followed around Batman with a camera for what must have been about an hour (pretty much until he started getting angry with me). None of the photos really captured the "Best Friend" pose I was going for; (sometimes you'd think he didn't care for having pictures taken with me) but I did, however manage to get a nice one of him gorging carrots. (It's pretty much the only time he stayed still!) Isn't he a cutie pie?! 

Also it was hutch cleaning day, and look what Harps brought Batman home from work! Now he has his BATSIGNAL when he's home! Haha! Plenty more greenery for the ol bunny too! I'd love to hear any hutch ideas out there to make it more fun for your rabbit? Not that mine is home very often at all...but I like to make sure he doesn't get bored when he does have to go in.

Also a couple of other things; 
  • Check out this cool afro sealey bag. Isn't it a great little design!
  • I am FINALLY wearing my new Nikes! And this makes me throw my legs in the air like I just don't care!
  • Nom Nom I also have finally had my 'Lucky Charms' for Christmas. I had them at work one day last week when I didn't have time to go and get lunch...and boy oh boy did I feel the sugar!

Once again and as always and forever, thank you ever so much for taking the time to read my little ramblings. My Facebook isn't half as strange these days! See you tomorrow for Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday! 

Love Sophie and Batman XX


  1. Congratulations Sophie! I love your bunny and his funny name. He's very cute. See u around!

  2. YAAAAY! 50 FOLLOWERS! It's because you're awesome :)

    Batman is a babe. x


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