Good Afternoon lovely people! I'm making much more of an effort to keep to my series posts; infact I'm even planning on adding a new one which you must keep your eyes peeled for over the next few days! This week I have been gathering the news stories that have been capturing my attention. Have a gander!
The details on some of the dresses are just amazing! I really wish I had money to start wedding planning! I sort of feel like I shouldn't look much because It'll be yeaaarssss before I'm sorting all of this loveliness! But still, a girl can dream! And if you happen to be browsing for your special day, check out some beautiful ideas here!50 Gorgeous Wedding Dress Details That Are Utterly To Die For Via
Chanel Couture: The Trainers say it all...via The
AAAAAHHHHHHH! I've been watching bits and bobs from the new Chanel collection and I LOVE IT! Karl Lagerfeld is a bit of a babe anyway. (As is Cara Delevigne really) But wasn't everything just beautiful! Take some time today and catch yourselves up!
"The Chanel trainers came in blush-pink tweed, silver metallic thread, or pale lemon mesh. In deference to the traditions of couture, the laces were transparent chiffon, but the soles - thick and spongey with the scrolled, supple contours made iconic by the original Air Max – placed them firmly in the tradition of sportswear and streetwear. At Chanel, where a flat shoe has traditionally meant a ballerina pump, and all the feminine delicacy that style implies, this was a major statement."
Rosetta comet-chaser phones home via
I can't wait until we start to get some images from Rosetta! It's travelled for over 31 months and was woken up on Monday morning! It's total mission will hopefully last for 10 years and will catch a ride with a comet, doing all sorts to learn about our universe. I'm finding it all very fascinating!
Space is AWESOME!
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