Thursday, 30 January 2014

*Drumroll please...* HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY!!

Good evening fellow thankful people in the land of t'interweb. I hope that you're all having a glorious day! I didn't. Haha. This cold weather sure is making me Mr Grumps. I just can't warm up no matter how hard I try...Must be too tired *sigh*..I currently write this to you all under a T-shirt, jumper, cardigan AND blanket...Maybe I was just made for the sunshine...

Anywhooty, I am still just as thankful as always this Thursday;

  1. Rainbows: When my Nanny died, there was the brightest rainbow I've ever seen in the sky. Lots of people say that actually. I like rainbows because I like to think that Nanny is saying hello. Also I think that it means another wonderful person has passed away an left a gift in the sky.
  2. My new wall motto! It's above my bed and Harps slaved putting it up on his day off because I INSISTED that it was up so that I could be thankful for it! Hahaha!
  3. This snazzy jacket. Which so far everyone that has seen it, pretty much hates it. I feel like a Scottish detective in it! ;-)
  4. THIS LADY RIGHT HERE. She makes me uber thankful always. (Especially my cute reminder to not forget Thankful Thursday!)  I love this picture, and in celebrating of  "Thankful Thursday" AND "Throwback Thursday"....(Which one is it? Thursday is a busy day to be online!)...I wanted to share it with you. Here's Liona giving a rawwww and me showing off my shark teeth :-)
And as always, a humongous thank you to Leona and Lisette for inspiring me to be more thankful! 
P.S. Have a look at my fellow newbie to Thankful Thursdays, Sunae, she's also a rep for Arbonne, the amazing line I was talking about yesterday and quite a bit of a babe!

Love Sophie XX

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday #2 Cute Animals, A Beautiful Story About A Grandmother's Love, Being A 90's Kid, Cosmetics & A Wedding To Make You Cry.

Good evening fantabaloosey world of computers 'n' stuff. This week, I have some lovely bits and bobs in the news that I have loved for one reason or another! Yesterday, as you know, I celebrated 50 followers on Bloglovin and it has definitely inspired me to be MORE ORGANISED with my posts! (But sorry for the late post, I couldn't miss the new series of Outnumbered!)

First up, here's a beautiful story about Jonathan and Dwayne, a now very happily married couple. It tells the story of how they met, their engagement AND their AMAZING wedding! (Plus they wear Converse, I love that!)...Not only are they just PERFECT for eachother, but if you at least promise me to watch up until 5:20 minutes, and just listen to Jonathan's dad at their wedding. His speech is just so honest, heartfelt and poetic, that it brings a lump to my throat thinking about it again! 

Here's another really interesting article from about product testing on animals. I for one am certainly trying to completely erase animal tested products from my beauty regime, and would always be grateful for any products that people could suggest? I'm putting an order into Arbonee as soon as I get paid. Their products look amazing, and I've used their moisturisers before. They're worth the price.

AWWWWWWWW ALERT! This adorable article on is all about animals keeping warm in this freezing weather! 
And look how cute Mr Foxy here is, frolicking in the snow! Lots of cute images in this article to keep you grinning this evening!

This Grandmother Started A Fashion Line For People With Down Syndrome Via

You all know how special Bimble is to me, and  came across this article earlier in the week that made me so happy to read about. A grandmother noticed how hard it can be to get clothes to fit comfortably for people with downsyndrome. She wanted her granddaughter to not "feel different." And as I totally agree that it is hard to find clothes that fit properly, are stylish, yet comfortable and are affordable for people with downsyndrome. So this is lovely, please read by clicking on the heading, and I really hope that this gets shared enough that it helps someone else!



Love Sophie! XX

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Sophie and Batman Have 50 Followers! And We Took Some Selfies!

 Good evening little world of loveliness! I hope that you're all warm and safe in this scary, blizzardy weather! I wanted to post a little thank you to the 50 people that have started following my blog! It's really, actually very wonderful, especially as deep down I really didn't think ANYONE (except Liona of course) would read this. Haha. And to celebrate this happy spirit! Here is probably the only reason that you're all reading...The main man of the hour....Today I followed around Batman with a camera for what must have been about an hour (pretty much until he started getting angry with me). None of the photos really captured the "Best Friend" pose I was going for; (sometimes you'd think he didn't care for having pictures taken with me) but I did, however manage to get a nice one of him gorging carrots. (It's pretty much the only time he stayed still!) Isn't he a cutie pie?! 

Also it was hutch cleaning day, and look what Harps brought Batman home from work! Now he has his BATSIGNAL when he's home! Haha! Plenty more greenery for the ol bunny too! I'd love to hear any hutch ideas out there to make it more fun for your rabbit? Not that mine is home very often at all...but I like to make sure he doesn't get bored when he does have to go in.

Also a couple of other things; 
  • Check out this cool afro sealey bag. Isn't it a great little design!
  • I am FINALLY wearing my new Nikes! And this makes me throw my legs in the air like I just don't care!
  • Nom Nom I also have finally had my 'Lucky Charms' for Christmas. I had them at work one day last week when I didn't have time to go and get lunch...and boy oh boy did I feel the sugar!

Once again and as always and forever, thank you ever so much for taking the time to read my little ramblings. My Facebook isn't half as strange these days! See you tomorrow for Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday! 

Love Sophie and Batman XX

Thursday, 23 January 2014


EEEEEKKK! Hello lovely people in the land of technology! I have been nosing around for weeks now at two very wonderful bloggers regular posts, that are just such a pretty idea! So yes, I am joining Thankful Thursday! 
 This cat with his snazzy tache! Isn't he a cutie! I'd love to have a cat, they are just the most special animal on the planet! Look how intelligent he looks! Hahahahahahaha! I want to make him a top hat that his ears stick through! 
 My snazzy new pea green coat! To go with my fancy T-bar shoes! I looked like such a business woman on my course earlier this week! I like the colour of the floor too! I got it for my birthday from a certain Harps, It's from ASOS! 
 My new bikini! I really need to get fit, loose weight, tone up, and strengthen up! So I am going swimming! I love swimming but I don't really like our local swimming pool. That and it being so cold is what puts me off, but I'm certainly making more of an effort now! Besides, my old bikini was waaaayyyy too small. #notagoodlook.
 I had the most wonderful time on Saturday night! I went to The Lakeside for a meal with some friends and work collegues. It was nice to wear my new birthday dress again and to celebrate the promotion of my good friend! Here I am gazing lovingly into her eyes. I really miss her. Have you ever found that someone you wouldn't expect has a massive impact on your life? 
I'm realllllly thankful that my fringe cutting didn't go to shit! I have been toying with the idea for a few months. I'm growing my hair so it's all really boring at the moment and I wanted to change it a bit without taking off too much length. So I went for it! What do you all think?!?! Excuse the gurning.

Last but not least, I am very thankful to the two bloggers mentioned above for the inspiration.
Thankyou Leona and Lisette!

Love Sophie XX

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday! Chanel, Comets, Dresses and Dolphins

Good Afternoon lovely people! I'm making much more of an effort to keep to my series posts; infact I'm even planning on adding a new one which you must keep your eyes peeled for over the next few days! This week I have been gathering the news stories that have been capturing my attention. Have a gander! 

50 Gorgeous Wedding Dress Details ThaAre Utterly To Die For Via
The details on some of the dresses are just amazing! I really wish I had money to start wedding planning! I sort of feel like I shouldn't look much because It'll be yeaaarssss before I'm sorting all of this loveliness! But still, a girl can dream! And if you happen to be browsing for your special day, check out some beautiful ideas here!

Chanel Couture: The Trainers say it all...via The

AAAAAHHHHHHH! I've been watching bits and bobs from the new Chanel collection and I LOVE IT! Karl Lagerfeld is a bit of a babe anyway. (As is Cara Delevigne really) But wasn't everything just beautiful! Take some time today and catch yourselves up! 

"The Chanel trainers came in blush-pink tweed, silver metallic thread, or pale lemon mesh. In deference to the traditions of couture, the laces were transparent chiffon, but the soles - thick and spongey with the scrolled, supple contours made iconic by the original Air Max – placed them firmly in the tradition of sportswear and streetwear. At Chanel, where a flat shoe has traditionally meant a ballerina pump, and all the feminine delicacy that style implies, this was a major statement."

Rosetta comet-chaser phones home via 

I can't wait until we start to get some images from Rosetta! It's travelled for over 31 months and was woken up on Monday morning! It's total mission will hopefully last for 10 years and will catch a ride with a comet, doing all sorts to learn about our universe. I'm finding it all very fascinating! 

 Space is AWESOME!

Japan Dolphin Roundup In Taiji Is Largest In 4 Years via

I can't even post a photo of this. It sickens me. I wonder if any of you watched the 2009 documentary 'The Cove?'....If not, spend a while educating yourselves. The over 250 dolphins are captured and slaughtered for no real gain. Some are sold to aquariums, zoos, theme parks. Others are trophy animals and more are used for their meat. Click on the link to learn a bit more and the other day I signed a few different protests, but I can't seem to find them now. I'll post the link to Twitter if I can find it!


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Turning Twenty Two & The First Anniversary of Sophie & Batman!

Good evening lovely world of internet! I hope that you're all wrapped up warm in this wintery, dreary weather! Yesterday I celebrated turning twenty two! It's brilliant! I'm still loving birthdays! I wonder what age you stop loving birthdays? Have any of you found a certain age brought less excitement? I must say though, January birthdays suck! It's just the worst possible time of year for a birthday! No-one has any money, they're back to work, school, commitments, people are stopping drinking, eating, having fun. Myself included in most of these. Worst, in my opinion is that the weather SUCKS. So thumbs up mother! Good planning skills there! Haha.
Yesterday it rained. Like alllllll dayyyyy. Which scuppered my zoo plans (maybe karma telling me something, see my pre-birthday post!) So instead me, and the better half decided to build a fort in our front-room! It was brilliant! What's more brilliant is not getting in trouble from your parents! We moved the sofas and gathered some sheets, using a broom, part of a hoover and an ironing board and created A MASTERPIECE! You can see above, Batman also loved the fort building! He had fun with the room all in disoray and it gave him more places to play! We did get invaded by Batman trying to jump onto the top though! I got some lovely cards and come lovely gifts too! Including a handmade clay Batman, and handknitted Batman from Harp's lovely mummy! Some flowers from a best friend, and some socks from another! Not to mention the bundles of goodies from Harps! Including my long awaited "Unicorn Raising' book, a new dress AND a snazzy new coat (WITH A HOOD) AND some awesome Nike Blazer Vintage trainers! Lucky me I know! I've also been treated to a lovely lunch with a good friend, and spent some time with the beautiful little girl you can see below! This is the first photo, and the first time I've held a young baby in about 10 years. I find them scary and fragile! Hahaha!
We played Battleships in our fort and we also tried to play Monopoly In the City! Have any of you ever played/attempted to play that game?! It's IMPOSSIBLE! So we figured that we weren't smart enough and gave up. In the evening, we went over to mummy's house and she cooked me a tasty dinner and I got a snazzy new dress and sparkly cardigan! She also put glow sticks on the table. Bimble turned into a raver and Harps got all a bit too excited.

So cheers mummy! And thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! 
Love Sophie!

A Review of Philomena By Martin Shoesmith & My Week Off Work AND 2014BloggerChallenge: The Skincare Diaries

Hello! As always thank you for taking the time to have a gander at my little page! This week as you know, I have been free of work and early mornings, and high heels! It's been magical! I've had a lovely time! This afternoon I wanted to give you a quick catch up and to let you know all about my love for the book 'Philomena' By Martin Sixsmith! I want to also catch up with my posts for 2014BloggerChallenge! (I may or may not have missed the first post due to the BT fiasco!) And it's something that I really want to be a part of! So something I also wanted to talk to you all about, and hopefully to hear some tips from the rest of you, all about my winter skincare regime! (Which let's me honest, for me, isn't much. Lazy bones!)

So I watched an interview with Dame Judy Dench (isn't she such an inspirational actress?!) about the film version of Philomena being released. I hadn't actually seen it advertised, nor did I know about the book until Ms Dench mentioned it. The way that she described the story really interested me and I ordered it that day. When it arrived, I was reading something else that actually, I was finding hard to read. But I ploughed on through and I genuinely think that I barely put Philomena down over the next week. The story is about an Irish woman called Philomena, who as a pregnant, single woman in Ireland in the 1950s, was sent to give birth and raise her son in a convent for the next 3 years. After their bond grew strong and Anthony, (his name was later changed to Mike by his adoptive parents) was old enough to be taken away. He was adopted to an American family, and despite having a very "American Dream" style upbringing, always thought of the faint memory of his mother.
I don't want to be a spoil sport so I shall pretty much stop there, but the beautiful style of writing, gripped me to the page at every opportunity I had. And lets just say, they are reunited, but not as you probably hope. I'm currently browsing other Martin Sixsmith books to read! Since I finished it, I haven't chosen what to start next BUT I did spend the whole afternoon on Tuesday filling out the scrapbook I got for Christmas, all about my trip to Rome in November (and *cough* *cough* all about my engagement!)

As for my winter skincare regime. This is hard for me! Mainly because one of the first reasons I started blogging was actually to find out more about this sort of stuff. I'm a bit of a rubbish girl. I never got shown skincare tips, make-up or hair tips. So for the last few years, it's stayed pretty standard. So, a few things I would always recommend are;

  1. Plenty of water. This is easy for me because I'm always thirsty. I don't believe in all that set amount crap. Just drink as much as you can remember to! Nobody cares if you pee more often (unless you're Harps, in which case, you ALWAYS mention it!). But you'll really notice the difference. Also, on that note, I've really started to notice the differences between eating because you're hungry. And just feeling hungry because you're dehydrated.
  2. Plenty of fresh air! Once again I'm lucky with this! After all, I live in beautiful Cornwall! But a good walk, will not only blown the cobwebs away but help your vitamin D levels, ensuring a nice, healthy glow in the colder months. Who wants to look like their face is withering away in the wind?
  3. I LOVE ASTRAL! I actually swear down that it's the best overall moisturiser around! It's so cheap and has been out forever, but I love it. I put it on every evening after taking off my make-up AND about 10 minutes before applying make-up in the morning.
  4. I love all Soap and Glory products. They smell beautiful and their "Hand Food" creme is definitely my pick for the harsh weather. I just got some more for my birthday! Yay! 
  5. Lip Shit Lip Balm-OH MY GOD WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! It's by far the best smelling/tasting lip balm I've had in ages! I've got the Raspberry and Lemongrass one at the moment, but am sure to be stocking up before it gets any bleddy warmer!

So there it is, I hope you've had a good browse. I'd really love to know any other simple, top tips over the winter. And as always, thankyou for taking the time to have a gander! 
Some other posts from 2014BloggerChallenge Skincare Challenge that I love are;

Sunday, 12 January 2014

I AM OFFICIALLY ON HOLIDAY! And a Birthday Wishlist!

WHY IS THE WEATHER TRYING TO DESTROY MY HOLIDAY!? That's right! Holiday! Whoppeeeeeeee! I have a week off for my birthday! Which is in 3 days! Yes 3 days! Not that I'm excited at fuck that! Hellz yeah I'm excited and it's for two very specific reasons. 1) It'll be mine an Batman's anniversary (for those of you who don't know, we came into each-others lives last year on my 21st birthday.) 2) IT'S TIME FOR MY ANNUAL TRIP TO THE ZOO! Now I know what you're thinking, "Sophie, surely if you love animals as much as you say you do, you wouldn't agree with them being caged and out of their natural habitat?!"...Well yes and no. I do love animals. Muchly. I am making a conscious effort to stop using products that are tested on animals, and also to become more aware and less naive about the horrible conditions that some of our world's finest creatures have to endure. But I also have one slight problem....5 year old Sophie always wins. And it's 5 year old Sophie that cannot wait to spend the day there with my boy this week. Last year dear Liona came with us! What a fun time we had! I held hands with a couple of monkeys. Harps and Liona were scardy cats, Liona and I touched a sloth (he loved us) AND Harps is petrified of birds which is always amazing to witness him flapping around in a panic. 

And here it is! My Official Birthday Pick List for Harps to buy from. (He wants me to wear hi-tops with dresses. Says he finds it sexy (weirdo)..But then I have a thing for lumberjack anywhoo)...

ASOS watch, Hare & Wishbone charm necklace, Sandcastle Chamilia bead, ASOS scallop lace dress, ASOS green skater dress, Ellie Andrews Pineapple T-Shirt, And any of these Nike Blazer Hi-tops!

Plenty to choose from I'd say! Now if you'll excuse me...our landlord wants to do an inspection, so I have some Batman gnawed holes in doors to fill! Bloody rabbit.

3 days to go! 
Love Sophie xx

A Little Batman Post and A Very Lovely Sunday!

Good Evening everyone! Batman and I have been having a lovely Sunday, catching up on all the bits and bobs that I've missed since Christmas! Check out this "Autoawesome" photo that Google+ created! Doesn't Batman look like he's going crazy! Ha-Ha! Heres some more photos of Batman enjoying his Christmas presents! He got lots of goodies but these have definitely been his favourite things! Below is a 'Carrot Tree' from Amazon! He likes chasing them around! I'm trying to get a video of him, but he's too quick!

He also really loved his tasty ice-cream treat! I got it from my local pet-shop! You should always shop local when you can guys! They're so friendly and helpful in there, I'd never go somewhere else for his main essentials! After he had it though, he had to have a bit of a lie down. Haha! He's banned from going upstairs unsupervised these days and it's made him much more relaxed and cuddlier! It's easier to keep him in his bedtime routine AND he doesn't even need his litter tray! Just pops into his hutch, all like "S'cuse me guys, I'll be back in a sec."

I went for a lovely roast with my parents last Sunday! They're looking pretty damn snazzy in those faux fur hats right? We were browsing Griggs Country Store before we went and had an amazing meal in the Griggs Restaurant! I had roast beef and LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT YORKSHIRE! It was so good! Then for desert I had the tastiest chocolate and pistachio creme brulee ever! I forgot to take a snap of it before I gobbled it down! Sorry! I can let you in on a little secret...My step-brother is the head chef there and I was just blown away. Who knew he was so talented. Very proud sister right here! But don't tell him that. Haha!

Last, but not least..Need a new bookshelf much!? Look at the overflowing mess! I love books, I'll never succumb to the e-reader. I love the smell, the feel, the passion of a proper book. What are your thoughts?

Happy Sunday! 
Love Sophie!

Oh and P.S Thankyou so much for such lovely feedback about my recent "An Insight To Bimble" post. It's wonderful to think that some of you felt differently about people with downsyndrome after reading it! It was even more lovely for the feedback from family and friends about how accurate they felt it portrayed him. He's a cheeky sod really. Haha.

Quite Possibly The Latest Christmas Post Ever.

HELLO! I AM BACK! I am so sorry that I haven't written in like a month! The horrible weather broke our telephone and broadband line! It took like two weeks to fix! *shakes fist at BT*...So this post I want to just catch you all up from my lovely Christmas and begin the COUNTDOWN UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY! WHICH IS THREE DAYS AWAY! Keep your eyes peeled for my 'Birthday Wishlist' post later on!

Christmas was magical! I can finally reveal the big surprise! Harp's mummy came down all the way from York to spend Christmas with us! It was such a lovely time that we had with them and I know it made my boys' Christmas extra special! We went to my parents in the morning and spent some time with Mummy, Daddy and Bimble; they all loved their presents and I got a 4ft inflatable shark! It's awesome! It's helium filled and remote controlled! I'll post all  about my adventures with it when the weather calms down a bit!

Then we went and had a very yummy lunch at Harp's Grandparents with them and his mummy and Carl. Harps got a crocodile onesie and I got lots of lovely things! We also got a fun game called Pictionary Man as well as some others. 

New Years Eve, we were shattered! Neither of us had much time off after Christmas, so we spent it just the two of us (three including Batman!), got drunk, did a puzzle, played with Lego and tried to play Pictionary Man (by then we were a little sozzled). Can you guess what Pixar film Harps was drawing?!? Batman had a great time, the cutie-pie even had his own stocking! 

Christmas = Success.
Love Sophie xx