Good evening lovely world of internet! I hope that you're all wrapped up warm in this wintery, dreary weather! Yesterday I celebrated turning twenty two! It's brilliant! I'm still loving birthdays! I wonder what age you stop loving birthdays? Have any of you found a certain age brought less excitement? I must say though, January birthdays suck! It's just the worst possible time of year for a birthday! No-one has any money, they're back to work, school, commitments, people are stopping drinking, eating, having fun. Myself included in most of these. Worst, in my opinion is that the weather SUCKS. So thumbs up mother! Good planning skills there! Haha.
Yesterday it rained. Like alllllll dayyyyy. Which scuppered my zoo plans (maybe karma telling me something, see my pre-birthday post!) So instead me, and the better half decided to build a fort in our front-room! It was brilliant! What's more brilliant is not getting in trouble from your parents! We moved the sofas and gathered some sheets, using a broom, part of a hoover and an ironing board and created A MASTERPIECE! You can see above, Batman also loved the fort building! He had fun with the room all in disoray and it gave him more places to play! We did get invaded by Batman trying to jump onto the top though! I got some lovely cards and come lovely gifts too! Including a handmade clay Batman, and handknitted Batman from Harp's lovely mummy! Some flowers from a best friend, and some socks from another! Not to mention the bundles of goodies from Harps! Including my long awaited "Unicorn Raising' book, a new dress AND a snazzy new coat (WITH A HOOD) AND some awesome Nike Blazer Vintage trainers! Lucky me I know! I've also been treated to a lovely lunch with a good friend, and spent some time with the beautiful little girl you can see below! This is the first photo, and the first time I've held a young baby in about 10 years. I find them scary and fragile! Hahaha!
We played Battleships in our fort and we also tried to play Monopoly In the City! Have any of you ever played/attempted to play that game?! It's IMPOSSIBLE! So we figured that we weren't smart enough and gave up. In the evening, we went over to mummy's house and she cooked me a tasty dinner and I got a snazzy new dress and sparkly cardigan! She also put glow sticks on the table. Bimble turned into a raver and Harps got all a bit too excited.
So cheers mummy! And thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!
Love Sophie!