There's been a bit of a theme I've picked up on over the last few weeks. We're all a bit tired of winter; cozying up under blankets, embracing the rare natural light coming into our days, counting the seconds down until spring. Something that's keeping us going is the slower days. They're the ones that are made for warm drinks, baking delicious goodies and nesting the home.
Batman's fur is as full as it gets, he waddles around the house like a coal dusted cloud. It's almost time for a good malt and a nail trim ready for summer.
I spend most of my days off in a cozying ritual of preparing the bed in the softest, cleanest cotton sheets I can find, baking doughnuts for the second time (and it going much better!) And practicing my good housewife skills with hearty stews in the slow cooker.
On that note; is anyone keen to swap their slow cooker? Mine is made to feed 4-6 and is really all a bit too big? I'm looking to downsize?
So lets keep our heads high and know that summer will soon be here, we'll all be whooping with cheer and then it's the countdown to Christmas all over again! How brilliant!
What's keeping you all going through these colder days?
Love Sophie XX