Thursday, 27 February 2014

Thankful Thursday and Birthday Wishes!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIONA! I'm hoping that you're having a splendid Thursday, and I'm sure you're feeling pretty thankful! I'm always thankful for Liona, we've been pretty pretty pretty good real-life friends since just after Harps and I got together. (She was actually his friend originally, that's how we met!)...But anyway, she preferred me, we fell in love and the rest is history. However, as I am always thankful for her, she doesn't get included on my thankful list for the week. Haha. Instead, she can make-do with my real-life company in a couple of weeks...and some very awesome presents!

On a similar note though, my first thanks, is to a lady that has been in my life for a very long time now. As you all know from a previous emo post, little Sophie moved around a lot when she was younger, had no friends, yada-yada-yada...Well this lovely lady and I were friends before I moved to Cornwall. She's beautiful, talented and turned out just how I'd always imagined she had. We reconnected over Facebook a couple of years ago, and I'm so thankful that she's back in my life! I even hope she'll accept a wedding invite when the time comes! Tanya Reynolds, is a brilliant actress, model (though she won't admit it), photographer, and all round muse. I really think you should all take a look at her marvelous blog...Here's a snippet from it!

I am also thankful for MY BARGAIN NEW OUTFIT! Guess how much? Go on, guess! £12.50 for everything! I am literally over the moon about this. It's all from New Look, I got a nice knitted skirt, my first ever cropped top (mainly because I LOVED the scallop pattern-but it also shows off my hip tattoos for once!) And these cute, dark green kitten heels. Happy? Yes.

Lastly, I'm getting more and more thankful for lighter evenings. Don't the littlest things make a big difference? I can't wait for summer!

There isn't a thanks without remembering these two diamonds, Lisette and Leona. Thanks for inspiring me to be thankful ladies! Have a great week! 
Love Sophie Xx

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday #6 What Did The Hungarian Man That Won The Lottery Do? Some Brilliant Korean Highschool Yearbook Photos and Toy Story- Who is Andy's Mum?

Good evening everyone! This week, I tried to save my news stories a little differently..and well, it backfired. So I do apologise for these slightly lame news posts....(I actually quite like them!)..But I did have more that appears to not have saved. Good ol technology! Anywhoo, let's all get on so I can pop my achy footsies up... *As always, click on the heading for the full news report (always a much better read!)

So this blew my mind. Actually blew my mind. I know that Pixar is known for it's sneaky hidden stories within it's films. I remember one about Mulan a while ago, I can't seem to find it now though to share with you all. Sozages, I'll keep an eye out for it. It was actually Liona that shared this to her manly man that I saw this from, and promptly stole and fell in love with. I don't want to spoil anything, but read the article and let me know what you think! I hope it's true! I also did one of those online quizzes about "Which Toy Story Character are you?" and I got Slinky Dog! How awesome is that! I definitely think I've got a bit of Slinky in me! Haha. What Toy Story Character do you think you are?!

Korean High School Students Are Allowed to Pose For Their Yearbook Photos However They Like! Via

THESE PHOTOS ARE BRILLIANT! I LAUGHED AT ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE....Except the weapon ones, some of them scared me. I picked my three absolute favourites to share with you on here in-case you don't think that you care enough to look on the post...I really want to know what exactly made these students to pose like they did?!

*This guy!?! Why a sleeping bag? Why a swimming cap? Why the shocked face, like you JUST discovered that you're wearing these things?

*I really don't know what is going on to the right here? Are those badminton rackets? As wings?....I hope so...And what an adorable pose! I may even adopt this as my new natural stance? Haha....Complete with Chaplin tache of course?

*And the last is just awesome. What a great hair-do!? Or are they earmuffs actually?...That would almost explain that glove action...and teeth warmers?...Or is that a MASSIVE gap? Like four teeth worth of gap!

The Homeless Hungarian Man Giving His Lottery Winnings To Charity. Via

And lastly, here's a really heartwarming story about a homeless Hungarian man, and what he did with lottery winnings of £1.7m..László Andraschek...You are a legend.

Thank you so much as always for reading, it really means a lot to me. Have a great evening everyone!
Love Sophie XX

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Plymouth College of Art- Graduate Fashion Show 2014 Kickstarter #FASHIONSTUDENTPROBLEMS

So it feels actually insane that my best friend is going to graduate this year! It seems like just six months ago that she was filling in her application, panicking that she wouldn't get in because she was "too old". Hahaha! And look what's happening now, Stacie you're going to graduate! And though I could quite happily make a post all about how proud I am, how excited I am for the future, and how fucking awesome you are...this isn't about just you. The hard work and commitment that I have witnessed through my own friend, but that I know all of the fashion students have put in, to their designs is spectacular, and I'm so excited to see the results! I know that I'll be there to be inspired!

*Images taken by me.

Which brings me to my next point. The next 34 days are crucial to the fashion graduates of 2014, they need to fundraise, beg, sell their creations and search their sofas ready to present their final collections to the world on 28th May 2014. It has been estimated that the total cost of the show will cost around £17000.00 to hold; and by donating even just a pound, you'll be helping to encourage, contribute and celebrate their final collections with us all. Check out this cute video they made!

Please help and support our flowering, innovative and talented young British designers.
Oh, and keep the support trending with #FASHIONSTUDENTPROBLEMS

Love Sophie! XX

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Hey There Thankful Thursday!

Hellooooo again! Welcome to you all to this week's thankful Thursday! I've been really busy recently that the weeks just seem to be flying by! I'm ready for the weekend that's for sure! 

This week I am thankful for;

  • THE SUNNY DAY OFF I HAD! It was like a magical vortex had sucked me up from this doom and gloom weather that IS Cornwall at the moment and I got spat out into this wonderful spring time, fresh, glowing world, that actually scared me a little because I didn't know whether to trust it...Do you take a hat or not Sophie? Ooohh the conundrums! I didn't and was fine by the way!

  • Creme Brulee....Because it's amazing. Fact. (My brother made this actually. I went to eat at his restaurant on this sunny, magical day with a magical lady friend and felt ever so fancy being a 'lady that lunches') P.s This burger was fricking delicious too!

  • Batman. Bless him, he scared himself and fell down the stairs the other day. *shakes head* (I'm genuinelly amazed that he hasn't killed himself yet.) And though yes, he did survive, he was in a very bad mood that evening. So the next day, I got him a lovely gift of hay ball stuffed with spinach and a juicy pear. It sure cheered him up!

  • New blogger friends. There are some blogs that I love and am becoming slightly addicted to. The only thing I find hard is catching up on so many! If anyone has any tips, they'd be greatly appreciated! Some that I'm loving though are; Life Outside London- Michelle is super nice and has the most ADORABLE puppy! Everyone loves Miss Jojangles- Well because everything Jojo does is just amazing. True story. Little foal- Sunae is just brilliant. She's definitely one of my most addictive bloggers to read. She's just a delight (and I know she's not feeling great, FEEL BETTER SOON SUNAE!) All of these ladies are more than worthy of your attention, much more than I am anyway! Hahaha! 

As always, there are two lovelies who not only are blogger superstars, but inspire me to be extra thankful. Good evening and thank you to Liona and Lisette.

Love Sophie XX

A late Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday #5 Are we the caring generation? Or the hoodie generation? Is the world ending? And some AWESOME Lego sculptures!

Good evening lovely world! I'm so very sorry that I didn't write on the allotted day (can we call today Wenthursday?) I was out until a bit late having a lovely drink and meal with some lovely people and when I got home it was bath and bed for little, fragile Sophie. Drinking on a work night scares me. Hahaha! And though I had five Bud-wei-serss (I say that like the frogs on the advert, remember that?!) I was sensible and came home first. Good girl I know. Haha. So anyway, today is actually Thursday and I am also very thankful (See my next post haha)...But you can hear all about that in a sec...

So this week's news is really a selection of questions that I'd love to have your opinions on! Please comment below about what you think; any feedback is always appreciated....Anywhooty...

From hoodies to goodies: today's teenagers have the makings of model citizens

Here is a really interesting article on The about the unjust category that I and many others have been lumped into. The "hoodie generation" title. Now I have always thought to myself, 'This doesn't seem fair, I would always help an old person carry their shopping, hold doors for people and take consideration for others.' It's just the way I've been brought up! But if you're under, let's say 30, it's likely that you have also witnessed this prejudice. I'm curious to know what you think about this? Do you think we're given an unfair label? Do you think that it IS fair? Do you think that the media has an influence and social media makes it easier than it used to be to draw attention to yourselves for the wrong reasons? 

Also on The, was the sort of article that I've been waiting for...

Is it time to join the 'preppers'? How to survive the climate-change apocalypse

I am CONVINCED that something carrazzaayy is going on in the world. The freak weather over the last few months all over is indisputable and let's face it, jellyfish are fucking loving all of the water, more to help them take over the world. True story right there. Are you a "prepper"? I have a zombie survival kit ready...but not a weather one...I'm not sure how I feel about this other than "Yes Sophie, you are awesome." Have a read of the article and let me know what you'd do?Who would you eat first in your family? Harps and I decided we'd be pretty pretty screwed..We couldn't do ANYTHING on the survival tip list. Hahaha. Better get my Bear Grylls on!

And last but not least, check out these fricking awesome Lego sculptures Via

They're all of famous artwork and they're all awesome! 

Love Sophie XX

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Thankful Thursday

Good evening everyone! I hope that you're all having a splendid week and that none of you are too badly affected by the stormy weather! I know a few people that have been stranded and a couple that have even been evacuated! I hope you're all staying safe out there! I am in a pretty pretty pretty pretty good mood this evening. (Get me sneaking Larry David quotes into this!) I can't tell you why; I think it's just the resuming health and starting to feel the love vibes for ol' St Valentines tomorrow?! Not that Harps and I do anything, except the cheesiest card we can find. :-)...Which brings me on nicely to my thanks for the week...

  • People misunderstanding you. This afternoon I was paying for something in a shop when I had just found out that you are supposed to use the correct word for finace or fiancee depending on whether the person is male or female. (Now that somebody told me, I can't believe I didn't link it all together! Cheers GCSE french!)...Anyway, I said to the woman serving me..."I didn't realise there was a male and a female fiance."..To which she replied..."No me neither dear, I thought there was just the one Beyonce!"....I COULD HAVE DIED WITH LAUGHTER! Infact, I'm still laughing now...And if you're wondering, no I didn't correct her. Mainly because I like the thought that she'll go home tonight an say to someone "Did you know there's a male Beyonce?!" Hahahaha! 

  • My first Valentines as an engaged lady. I say this in my fanciest voice because it makes me feel super fancy. So fancy that I do a little squeal in my head everytime I think about it! Harps and I aren't the types to do anything special for Valentines. Usually we'll have a take-away but tomorrow I'm going to cook us a lovely dinner! And instead of competing in the cheesy card contest, I got so overwhelmed in the card shop with all the adorable, sickly messages..THAT I CRIED..With joy of course...But oh God, how embarrassing is that?! The poor blokes that sort of hurried past me must have thought that I was crying because I was alone and depressed! Haha, but really it was just so exciting getting a card with fiance on for Harps that I couldn't contain myself! So I opted for a soppy one. Lame of me I know. P.s...don't I look like grumpycat in this?!

  • Rice pudding. Now I know that it's a pretty 'marmite' sort of food...But I'm telling you now, it saved my life when I couldn't speak at the beginning of the week. (Also note, that my rediscovering my love for honey is included in this!)

  • This word. Is it the same word when you're an adult but still live like this?
  • When you're freezing cold and someone makes you a hot drink. I love the dropping of the shoulders..."Aaahhhhh...." 

As always, a very special thanks very much to Lisette and Liona for inspiring me to be more thankful! And to all of you, I hope that you have a very beautiful Valentines Day with the man, woman, friends, cat or rabbit that you love. This year I feel extra lovely!

Love Sophie XX

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday #4 Has Shia LaBeouf Created Art? RHCP Chad Smith & Will Ferrell Drum Battle? Anchorman Confuses Samuel L Jackson! Achy Breaky Heart TWO!

Good evening wonderful online community of fabulous people! This week I have been PLAGUED by the evil, destructive, horrific weather that persists. I of all people, lost my voice. And yes, it has been traumatic. I'd been feeling under the weather for about a week, when on Sunday IT STRUCK!!! I was suddenly faced with a "ChildSophie"...Only responding to cuddles and love, which I must mention, Nurse Harps did do an awesome job of responding to. And slowly but surely, I am on the mend. So apologies for the lack of enthusiasm recently. I'm sure I'll return to full health soon! Anywhoo, this leads me to my little collection of news over the last week. Which was also affected by my illness, as when I'm sick, all I want to read about is rich and famous people that I don't really care for. Here's my best shockers!

Is anyone a little concerned about the antics of Shia LaBeouf? I can't decide if the recent crazy activities are as he claimed originally 'art' or is this guy just having a bit of a breakdown?? Poor Shia, he hasn't had it easy recently. After admitting plaguerism at the end of 2013, he wasn't starting the New Year on the best foot, let's be honest. But have a little look at his recent 'art'. It includes a strange selection of objects (including a bowl full of angry Twitter messages) and Mr LaBeouf himself crying with a paper bag on his head...Let me know your thoughts? #IAMSORRY 

Red Hot Chili Peppers' Chad Smith challenges Will Ferrell to drum battle via

BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH AWESOME! I LOVE THIS SO SO MUCH! Click on the link and watch the video!

Anchor Confuses Samuel L Jackson, and IT GOES ON FOREVER! This is so so so so so so cringe worthy that it makes me cringe remembering it...Have a watch! 

And last but most certainly not least. I've got to confess, I didn't watch the next clip past 36 seconds because it was just too weird...Too weird and I'm not ill enough for that kind of craziness anymore...Billy Ray Cyrus is back with a hip-hop version of Achy Breaky Heart 2! 


 Hahahaha! Enjoy and let me know what you think! Normal news will resume next week! 
Love Sophie XX

Thursday, 6 February 2014

The latest Thankful Thursday

Good night lovely Internet and real friends. Thank you for all your lovely messages after my crappy day. I'm sorry for not being organised, I had too much to do this evening. I promise that this shall not occur in the future. Bleugh bleugh bleugh, sorry for myself blabbing on. Anyway!...

This week I am thankful for;

1. My boy. He makes me smile no matter what. Thank you for making me belly laugh after all this time.
2. Splashing in puddles. You may as well embrace the weather!
3. The success of friends. I love you all. 

Sorry again for the rubbish post.

As always, I have the up-most thanks to Liona and Lisette for inspiring me to be more thankful! 
Love Sophie Xx

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday #3 The Impending Doom Of Jellyfish, A Unique Model, Steve Carell's High School Moustache & Some Beautiful Photography.

Good evening happy bloggers and readers! Today's post is a bit of a crowded one, so excuse me for keeping my comments short and sweet. Please if you have the time, have a good look at everything and feel free to chat about what you read. I hope this weeks Weird and Wonderful News will make you smile!

So firstly...Lets get this out of the way. Jellyfish are taking over the world. FACT. I've been aware of their impending doom on us all for about a year now. I think it mainly started from stumbling across articles that mention them shutting down factories, ruining eco systems and manifesting their wobbly selves in too many places for my liking. What's worse is that they are multiplying at an alarming rate....I'm on to you jellyfish! So other than Unicorn Farmer, I'm also considering a career in jellyfish battle plotting. Let me know if you're looking for a job! Haha. Here's a few different articles that will enlighten you in the dangerous world of the jellyfish. You have been warned.

Model Melanie Gaydos’s Fight for High Fashion Via Thedailybeast

"Born with a condition called ectodermal dysplasia, Melanie Gaydos refuses to let her unconventional looks stop her from realizing her dream of becoming a high-fashion model."

Now I'd like to make a point here, that it isn't actually her disability that I feel you should be focused on here. Her attitude in the art world and in life is just amazing and she takes just an amazing photo! Her versatility in the images I've seen is creative and full of the most brilliant confidence and I can't wait to see Melanie Gaydos storm the high fashion world! 

Six-year-old schoolboy suspended for having Mini Cheddars in his lunchbox has now been expelled..... Via

This just infuriates me. A six year old boy was expelled from his primary school near Slough, Berks, because his parents didn't adhere to the schools strict "balanced diet" regulations. IT'S FUCKING MINI CHEDDERS! Please. Ludicrous. 

8 Stunning Portraits Capture Blindness In A Different Light  Via

These are two of my favourite images from the series titled 'Blind' by Julia Fullerton-Batten. She has a personal emotion towards capturing these images since her father-in-law's sight deteriorated every time she visited him. She was so overcome with his strength and bravery that she decided to capture the worlds of the blind in places that were personal to them. I find these images beautiful. Please do have a little browse.

Lastly, here's Steve Carell's AMAZING MOUSTACHE!

You're welcome.

Love Sophie XX

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Some Photoshoot Outtakes & My Weekend!

Hello lovely world. It's my day off today, and despite having plans fall through, I could go to sleep right now. I think the freakishly cold weather is finally getting to me..Feeling rather blocked and weak. So no face photos today; instead you all get a lovely view of my new tartan coat. I had to go and get tobacco. That has been the extent of my venturing today. Anyway, all this results in a rather quiet and grumpy Sophie. Probably best that I'm home alone. Haha. 
I've been having some problems with my email address, so a few months ago when I asked my good friend and awesome photographer, Tracey Warbey (See my post yesterday about her!), to send me some outtakes of our shoots together. I figured she'd forgotten. It wasn't until I saw her on Sunday and realised that infact, she HAD sent them to me...That I present to you some amusing photos of our adventures!

So on Sunday we went to Carlyon Bay beach. I haven't actually been there since I was a little girl; mainly because you can't walk doggys on there for most of the year. It was nice to go back. And I haven't been to the beach in ages. I don't want to spoil too much for when the images are published, but I had a very special guest with me in the photos, which made it all really fun. She was so pretty and professional for a young girl in freezing weather, that I really hope Tracey wants to use her again! I'll tell you all more about it with the pictures. But let me just say now, you'd all better be impressed by how hardcore I was in that bloody weather...(Probably why I'm ill now..)

I'm off to crawl under a blanket. See you tomorrow for 

Love Sophie XX

P.S. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram!


Monday, 3 February 2014

Artists and Photographers I'm Currently Loving..Philip Trengove, ATP Illustration, Charles Jeffrey, Tracey Warbey & Jennifer Davis.

Good day strangers on the web! This is a post that I've wanted to write for a couple of weeks; however as I keep mentioning...I still really struggle to organise myself. Something I wasn't first in the line for at the genes store apparently....Some of these people I know personally, some I actually have little projects in the pipeline with. Some are just inspirations that I've stumbled upon. There isn't much of a theme; but maybe that's something I'll have a think of doing?...I hope that you're all well, I've been a busy busy bee this weekend...All shall be revealed very soon! 

*All links take you directly to the artists work.

ATP Illustration

This is a guy I've been fascinated with since I stumbled across his work on Instagram. His detailing is amazing, and the themes are always awesome. Think tattooed women and nautical puns. Seeing his work makes me smile, not only because of his talent, but because he's just beginning really! How exciting is that! I know that he's currently studying at Portsmouth Uni, BUT is also being commissioned for some awesome up and coming clothing lines aswell. This guy is definitely my one to watch this year for illustrators.

Philip Trengove Photography

I'm lucky enough to have this amazing photographer in my life. Phil is a Southwest and London based photographer, who specializes in portraiture but also experiments outside of his comfort zone. This wouldn't be the first time you've heard me mention him, and it certainly won't be the last. His last series was awesome.(I was in it...that helps! Haha) He visited people in their homes and captured their emotions through either talking about their lives, hearing a song that brings back emotion, or simply waiting for their thoughts to deepen enough, that a glimpse inside could be captured. (I was his guinea pig. I listened to "Dear Bobby" By "Yellowcard"- It reminds me of Nanny and Grandpa.)
Now he's back with a bang. He's been doing a good few shoots and I love the manic, frantic look of his layered series. I'm really looking forward to shooting with him again at the end of the month, once he's back from fashion week. It also means that with biscuits and tea, I get to envy over his fucking awesome life and hear all his LFW gossip. *happy sigh*

          Charles Jeffrey

Ok confession time. I haven't looked as much at Charles Jeffrey's work as much as I should have...and as much as I am going to...However; isn't this beautiful? I have a bit if a love/hate relationship with jellyfish. I think they're beautiful, majestic, inspiring...BUT THEY ARE DESTINED TO DOOM US ALL! Now I know what you're thinking...Alright Sophie, calm down love. But it's actually true. In fact, on Weird and Wonderful News Wednesday, I am going to do a jellyfish doomsday special. So keep your eyes peeled! Until then, you can enjoy this. Hahaha.

Tracey Warbey Photography

You should all know my massive love of Tracey and her work. This evening I wanted to show you something of hers that isn't me reporting back on me. Haha. She took this self portrait when she was pregnant with her second cutie pie daughter, Ana. I just love the butterflies, don't you? And that bit of side boob. Stay tuned over the next few days to hear all about my recent adventures with her and a very very pretty young lady. *Shhh hush hush*

Jennifer Davis

Last but not least. It's official. I have a new obsession and here she is. Jennifer Davis's work just is the best selection of creativity, playfulness, artistic flair and pure talent that I feel I've seen in ages. I first stumbled across her work on Pinterest. She drew some cats with scarves on and they had cute, funny heads. But over the last week, I decided I wanted to explore her work in a bit more depth and really....EVERYTHING IS AMAZING! I really recommend that you take a gander on her site. 

Let me know what you think of my recent loves.

Have a wonderful evening! 
Love Sophie XX