Thursday, 20 February 2014

Hey There Thankful Thursday!

Hellooooo again! Welcome to you all to this week's thankful Thursday! I've been really busy recently that the weeks just seem to be flying by! I'm ready for the weekend that's for sure! 

This week I am thankful for;

  • THE SUNNY DAY OFF I HAD! It was like a magical vortex had sucked me up from this doom and gloom weather that IS Cornwall at the moment and I got spat out into this wonderful spring time, fresh, glowing world, that actually scared me a little because I didn't know whether to trust it...Do you take a hat or not Sophie? Ooohh the conundrums! I didn't and was fine by the way!

  • Creme Brulee....Because it's amazing. Fact. (My brother made this actually. I went to eat at his restaurant on this sunny, magical day with a magical lady friend and felt ever so fancy being a 'lady that lunches') P.s This burger was fricking delicious too!

  • Batman. Bless him, he scared himself and fell down the stairs the other day. *shakes head* (I'm genuinelly amazed that he hasn't killed himself yet.) And though yes, he did survive, he was in a very bad mood that evening. So the next day, I got him a lovely gift of hay ball stuffed with spinach and a juicy pear. It sure cheered him up!

  • New blogger friends. There are some blogs that I love and am becoming slightly addicted to. The only thing I find hard is catching up on so many! If anyone has any tips, they'd be greatly appreciated! Some that I'm loving though are; Life Outside London- Michelle is super nice and has the most ADORABLE puppy! Everyone loves Miss Jojangles- Well because everything Jojo does is just amazing. True story. Little foal- Sunae is just brilliant. She's definitely one of my most addictive bloggers to read. She's just a delight (and I know she's not feeling great, FEEL BETTER SOON SUNAE!) All of these ladies are more than worthy of your attention, much more than I am anyway! Hahaha! 

As always, there are two lovelies who not only are blogger superstars, but inspire me to be extra thankful. Good evening and thank you to Liona and Lisette.

Love Sophie XX


  1. I miss Batman. I would like to become best friends with me, please. Maybe he'll love me so much that he'll vomit on me?x

  2. You are the sweetest ever, Sophie! Thank you so, so much for your kind words and well wishes! You know, I can't remember the last time I had creme brûlée. I need to fix this! xx


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