So this week's news is really a selection of questions that I'd love to have your opinions on! Please comment below about what you think; any feedback is always appreciated....Anywhooty...
From hoodies to goodies: today's teenagers have the makings of model citizens
Here is a really interesting article on The about the unjust category that I and many others have been lumped into. The "hoodie generation" title. Now I have always thought to myself, 'This doesn't seem fair, I would always help an old person carry their shopping, hold doors for people and take consideration for others.' It's just the way I've been brought up! But if you're under, let's say 30, it's likely that you have also witnessed this prejudice. I'm curious to know what you think about this? Do you think we're given an unfair label? Do you think that it IS fair? Do you think that the media has an influence and social media makes it easier than it used to be to draw attention to yourselves for the wrong reasons?
Also on The, was the sort of article that I've been waiting for...
Is it time to join the 'preppers'? How to survive the climate-change apocalypse
I am CONVINCED that something carrazzaayy is going on in the world. The freak weather over the last few months all over is indisputable and let's face it, jellyfish are fucking loving all of the water, more to help them take over the world. True story right there. Are you a "prepper"? I have a zombie survival kit ready...but not a weather one...I'm not sure how I feel about this other than "Yes Sophie, you are awesome." Have a read of the article and let me know what you'd do?Who would you eat first in your family? Harps and I decided we'd be pretty pretty screwed..We couldn't do ANYTHING on the survival tip list. Hahaha. Better get my Bear Grylls on!
And last but not least, check out these fricking awesome Lego sculptures Via
They're all of famous artwork and they're all awesome!
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