Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Royal Cornwall Show and Fundraising as a Giant Bear..

Aaah Royal Cornwall Show, a true Cornish event. Held in Wadebridge, this annual event lasts for three days, showcasing the majority of Cornish farming, businesses and entertainment gaoler. I've only attended once before, and it's just a huge fun time and was excited when I was invited to fundraise for the brilliant children's charity CHICKS. CHICKS provide week long respite breaks for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Supporting a range of children from a variety of backgrounds including; those living in poverty, abused or abused children,  children who have lost their parents and those that are full time carers at such a young age. CHICKS provides two retreats for children to spend a week enjoying themselves and making happy and lasting memories. When I was asked to go and help out at Royal Cornwall, I was more than happy to give it a go.

Harps and I got there early and decided to check out the bee tent before we went and found our place. 

We had a great time helping collect donations, dancing as the official CHICKS bear 'MAS'- Make A Smile, selling raffle tickets and raising awareness. Thank you to every child that high-fived us, parent that waved and even hugged someone dressed as a bear because their children wanted them to and especially all those that donated. A special shout out to the guy who gave me £3.00 to dance whilst dressed as the bear to gangnam style. Touché. 

Love Sophie Xx

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great time and how cool to dress up as a bear! :)


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