Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Guess Who's Back? And Adventures With Bimble...

Sozages to tell you that it ain't Shady, it's me! Hello wonderful blogging and non blogging friends! It's been almost three whole weeks since I just seemed to abandon you all and this little page. If you checked my twitter (@SophieHasNoName) in that time, you would have learnt that at very short notice, my best friend Stacie needed to borrow my macbook in order to finish literally the last week of university! I say last week, it turned into three. But hey guys, this ain't no party. This was serious stuff. So that is the story of my absence! Not as exciting as you'd hoped, I know. In the mean time, I've been having quite the ball because IT'S MY HOLIDAY! Not that it's been remotely sunny or warm AT ALL. I don't need no sunshine to have funsies! I've been up to so so much and I can't wait to catch you all up with my mega interesting time!

I've also been popping my thinking cap on. Having time away from my little corner of the web has made me realise a few things.

1) I want to/ need to include more art on my blog. More designers, artists and creative types that inspire me. Stay tuned for some very exciting posts next week!

2) I need to take my camera with me more. Pretty much all of my photos taken here are on my phone.  Not the best quality.

3) I wanted this to be a space for me to talk about things that I maybe wouldn't have the balls to talk about on Facebook, or would worry about offending someone. But if I'm not going to use this page as a way of expression on these sorts of things, what's the point? So buckle up chickens, it's gonna be a rollercoaster ride.

A couple (but certainly not the limits) of fabulous adventures on my time off, have included spending time with this extra chromosomed piece of hunk. Well maybe not hunk Bimble, but you're pretty fancy in my books. He came for a sleepover last week and the three of us (Harps inc of course) went to see X-Men Days of Future Past in 3D. Bimble loves the cinema, especially a 3D film. And let us all be a little open and honest here. Hugh Jackman in almost but not quite real life is RIGHT UP MY STREET. And Harps came along for the ride... It was such a great film, I'd thoroughly recommend it (who'm I kidding, I'd recommend a poster of Hugh Jackman.) I'm sure 3D films have got muchos better since I last saw one? Then I took a lovely just woken up selfie with Bimble. We're awesome.

Have any of you been to the cinema recently? If so, throw recommendations at me, I want to go again before we go back to work!

Missed you all!
Love Sophie Xx

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