Thursday, 5 June 2014

Thankful Thursday!

Oh boy oh boy does it make you stupendously thankful to not be at work. Check me giving thanks before I even say hello! Hello! I've been busy busy and not being here for a few weeks means that I've accumulated quite the spoonful of thanks to give! Long may the joy and cheer continue, I say! Before this gets any more sickly sweet, let's jump right in.

1) Spaniel loving.- Doesn't need any explanation. Time with my ancient childhood pet, Polo, is awesome too.

2) Going ouuutt ouuttt.- (If you aren't a fan of Micky Flanagan you probably won't get that.) We were saying farewell to our good friend Oli who's off to serve our country. Cheers Oli! So yes, I ventured, I drank, I felt like a piece of meat hanging out to dry in Wetherspoons, and sang my little heart out at Rockband when we all came back to our house. I had a great time. Not so much the day after though. 

3) Catching up on sleep. - This might seem a bit lame but SLEEP. IS. SO. GOOD. Like amazing. I feel like a different person with all these lie-ins. Anddd I've watched plenty of Jeremy Kyle. Winning.

Lastly, having the Bloglovin app on my phone, I've been stalking you all whilst I've been muted. Here  are some of my fave posts from the last couple o'weeks. 

1) Tanya's dog Foxton is such a babe. 
2) Leona's Sucky Sunday post was hilarious (as they always are!) I hate it when people walk all over the road. I genuinely think there should be a lane system.
3) Rosie's Nancy post.- What a super cute dress! Like I need it in my life. Seriously, always check out  Rosie for pretty things! 
4) Becky's Wedding Planning: May: post was really pretty. Her rings look just perfect together. I'm so envious! 
5) Michelle's Cinnamon French Toast with Nutella Recipe post made me drool all over my phone. Like actually drool. I'm sure I felt the weight absorbing though the phone, up my fingers and onto my thighs but I really didn't care. Food porn right there. 
6) Ally's DIY Banana Ice Cream post. This is going to accompany my super french toast in a stomach bulging, climax. It's going to be amazing. 
7) Lisette's Cacti post. I think Batman would kill himself if we had cacti in the house, which is a shame because they're awesome. I love Lisette's collection. House plants rule.

As always and forever, cheers to the brilliant Liona and Lisette for inspiring me to be more thankful.
Love Sophie Xx

1 comment:

  1. Merci beaucoup for the shout out, hope the phone survived the drool!!!
    M x


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